Get Poised

Stop Self Sabotage | Fitness Goals You Can Achieve

Stop Self Sabotage! Get out of your own way, already! Quit changing the goal line before you get there. Today I give you a simple technique to feel successful WAY more often.

Wow! You look great. You’ve made some really nice progress. You have so much discipline. I could never do that. Okay, so we hear these compliments and we say thank you, but what’s the next thing out of our mouth? The yeah, buts come out. Yeah, but my legs are too small. Yeah, but my arms are too skinny. Yeah, but I’m not where I want to be. I want to be bigger, stronger, faster, right? Be honest. We never feel truly satisfied with our progress. And today, I’m going to give you a simple method to stay focused, get out of your own way and feel successful in reaching your goals.

If we haven’t met, I’m Michelle Harris. I’m a mindset posing and stage prep coach and my mission is to help female competitors get what they need to succeed, not only for the stage, but for life. Last week, we talked about how to achieve your goals and you can see the video here.

Today, we’re going to talk about how to move one of our biggest blocks or more accurately get the heck out of your own way to keep moving forward. Let’s talk about something that we all do that gets in our way. So we know that goals are important, but oftentimes we feel like they’re never reached, which doesn’t feel so good. Here’s the problem. When you start to get close to reaching the goal, you move the goal. So no wonder it can never be reached. Ooh, I can push 20 more pounds than I used to. Yeah, but I still need a lot more muscle to get on stage. Oh look, I dropped a dress size. Yeah, but I still need to look good in that bikini. Hey, I am more than guilty of doing the exact same thing. Please stop doing this.

If you think back to the progress that you’ve made in the last year or even the last month, really think about it. You’ll find that yes, you have made progress and probably way more than you’ve given yourself credit for. Here’s the thing, set a goal. Make it something that’s reachable in a short period of time and crush it. Then celebrate the heck out of it. And this part is absolutely crucial. It might seem silly, but it’s super important to build your confidence around achieving goals. You want to recognize that you achieved something that was important to you. And when you take the time to celebrate the win, no matter how small, you give your self-esteem of boost and you put it out to the universe that you want more of the same.

If we never reach our ever-changing goal and are always not quite good enough, we’re setting ourselves a very dangerous and demeaning message. And that message is that we are not ever going to be enough to be successful. You can see how this is not a good mindset to have going into a competition or any area of life for that matter. So making small goals, achieving them, celebrating them, and making the next small goal will help you to focus on your progress rather than having a goal that you never actually achieved.

So bring this process into your daily awareness. See if you don’t notice a difference. For me, I personally have a harder time growing my legs and had a limiting belief for a long time that I can only squat 95 pounds. I believed that it hurt my back and it was too hard and uncomfortable to push past that limit. But one day I finally decided to test that theory and set a goal to increase the weight of my squats five pounds each week. Really small goals, five pounds each week as long as I could still get eight reps. What do you think happened when I decided that that belief might not be true? I learned that I could get all the way up to 150 pounds before I maxed out. What a difference. Now, if I would’ve set the goal for 150 from 95 right out of the gate, I wouldn’t have believed it and I would have stayed in my beliefs that weren’t serving me.

So having very small doable goals made it easier to do the next one. When you’re having doubts about reaching the goal you set, ask yourself if you can break it down into smaller parts. Also, know that where you are right now is probably what your goal was at one time. So honor that, honor your accomplishments. It’s so important to look at that. You know, we have a tendency to put it off and make it small and okay, I did that, but I’m really looking to do this. No, honor where you’ve been and that will help you feel so much stronger in moving forward to the next piece of your goal.

So set those goals, but keep them small enough that you can properly celebrate your achievements. And let me know when you reach those small goals because I want to celebrate them with you. And on that note, having a community to do this with makes a huge difference. So come join us on my Get Poised Facebook page and let’s support each other. That’s what we’re here for. Now, go ahead and hit that like button. If you got some value today, subscribe to my channel here and tag that bell to get notified of upcoming videos. As always, thank you for listening.

Why me? Why am I here?

Because I have experienced many of the same frustrations that you have! I was worried about how I would look on stage…I was tired of finding posing videos without explanation of how the heck to actually do it…I was appalled at the obvious lack of knowledge on stages everywhere!!

I get great joy from helping others to be their best selves. I am invested in your success and want to see you shine with confidence on that stage! From one competitor to another, I got your back!

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