Get Poised

OCB vs NPC: Which is the Best Choice FOR YOU?

When it comes to choosing a bodybuilding federation, the decision might revolve around various factors – perhaps you’re considering different federations, switching between them, or simply exploring both to determine your preference. With numerous options available, understanding the distinctions between prominent federations like OCB and NPC becomes crucial. In this article, I’ll break down the key differences between these respected organizations to help you make an informed decision.

Drug Testing Policy: The primary disparity between OCB and NPC lies in their drug testing policies. OCB operates as an all-natural federation, implementing stringent bans on substances and conducting mandatory polygraph tests for competitors. First-place awardees also undergo immediate urine sample testing. On the contrary, NPC does not conduct any substance testing, allowing athletes who might use performance-enhancing drugs to participate. However, it’s essential to note that not all NPC competitors necessarily use PEDs; there are natural athletes in this federation too.

Posing Differences: Both federations differ in their posing requirements and the time allotted for each pose. OCB and NPC have distinct mandatory poses, especially the side pose. Furthermore, NPC tends to move through poses swiftly during judging, requiring quick transitions. In contrast, OCB may allocate more time for posing, particularly in larger classes. The individual walks also differ, with NPC utilizing an eyewalk format and OCB incorporating a T-walk style, allowing more creative posing within a choreographed routine.

On-Stage Protocol: The on-stage protocols during competitions vary between NPC and OCB. NPC typically conducts pre-judging and finals, focusing on eyewalks, quarter turns, and call-outs for ranking. OCB, on the other hand, emphasizes group quarter turns, T-walks, and judging without explicitly ranking participants on stage.

Divisions, Categories, and Crossovers: Understanding the divisions, categories, and crossovers within each federation can be confusing due to varying terminology. Both OCB and NPC organize competitions based on broad divisions like bodybuilding, physique, figure, etc. Each division further categorizes contestants into novice, open, Masters, and more, with differing rules on eligibility and age/height requirements.

Pro Card Acquisition: The pathway to earning a Pro card differs between OCB and NPC. OCB allows athletes to win a Pro card at their first show, given specific minimum competitor requirements. In contrast, NPC necessitates a two-step process involving placement at a national qualifier and subsequent participation in a Pro Qualifier to vie for a Pro card.

Choosing the Right Federation: For first-time competitors, starting with a natural federation like OCB could provide a level playing field. As one gains experience and muscle development, exploring different federations to find the right fit becomes beneficial. Each federation has its unique pros and cons, catering to diverse athlete preferences.

Bodybuilding competitions are not one-size-fits-all, and personal experiences greatly impact preferences between OCB and NPC. Share your experiences or queries in the comments below. Your insights benefit everyone navigating this decision-making process. Remember, finding the right federation aligns with your goals and preferences in the bodybuilding journey.

Thank you for reading! Don’t forget to watch the video for a more detailed comparison and subscribe for more insights.

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Because I have experienced many of the same frustrations that you have! I was worried about how I would look on stage…I was tired of finding posing videos without explanation of how the heck to actually do it…I was appalled at the obvious lack of knowledge on stages everywhere!!

I get great joy from helping others to be their best selves. I am invested in your success and want to see you shine with confidence on that stage! From one competitor to another, I got your back!

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